
We would like to give you some information about the variety of vegetables, which we seasonally have in our stocks and we offer to our clients. If you do not find the vegetable you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact us, we would be glad to help you.

The artichoke unfolds its fine-spicy taste best in fresh condition. Artichoke should be consumed before a long storage. Artichokes are usually round and between 8-15 cm large. The leafs of the fruit grow like roofing tiles, one above the other, by the fleshy soil of the bloom head around. The leafs exhibit a fleshy bold at the lower end, which are the eatable parts of the leafs .

The first beans, were probably bred and discovered in Mexico. There are bushbeans and stringbeans and as the names already say, the difference of the beans are in their forms. The cases of the beans, are bred in the colors green and yellow. On the market different sorts are offered, tthese sorts can be differentiated by the refinement of the cases. Princess beans are young and tender. Greenbeans are thick-fleshy and they are in round cases. Bacon beans are the largest and roughest cases. The bushbeans and stringbeans are called yellow wax beans.

The Broccoli is developed by a modification of the cauliflower, in Italy. It consists of flower buds and handles. The Broccoli is formed of green resplendent, flower buds which grow on many small branches on fleshy stems. The overall view resembles a small plant bunch. As soon as the flower buds begin to open, one cannot harvest the Broccoli any longer. The cultivations are predominant in Europe and the USA.

Carrots are one of the leading and most important vegetables in vegetable growth. It grows on the soil, has a root and a stem. The stem and the leaves of carrots are not suitable for eating. Their shapes and sizes can be different from each other and they have a dark orange color with a sweet taste. It is known that carrots are rich in keratin, which beautifies the skin and very good for the eyes.

The Cauliflower is a bloom or flower buds of a plant that is not developed yet. It is cultivated for more than 1500 years. It is assumed that it originates from Asia, and today Cauliflower is the mostly eaten vegetable today. The Cauliflower plant was bred in such a way that its cladding leafs grew covering the flower buds, therefore cauliflower is white colored. Today there are still green cauliflower and the so-called Romanesco on the market with its flower buds which grow like little minarets.

The main harvest time of the celery begins in September and ends in November. Owing to the different cultivation time of the countries, this vegetable can be found in markets the whole year. Mediterranean is the homeland of the celery. It has short hard sheets, which are not suitable for the consumption. The plant develops a round tuber, which is surrounded by a brownish crust. The fruitpulp of the celery is white and firm.

The Champignon originates from regions in France. It concerns an edible lamella mushroom. The head of these mushrooms are generally white but they can also be found in cream to dark-brown colours. The darker the color of mushroom is, the more tasty it is. One should consider, mushrooms is only briefly storable and can spoil so fast. It is easy to recognize a fresh Champignon, by the closed mushroom hat.

Chicoree was discovered by a coincidence, in Belgium. The rungs are large up to 20 cm and its leaves are closely attached to each other and have the shape of a piston. The colour of Chicoree changes from white to green from downwards to upwards. The darker the top of the Chicoree is, the more bitter it tastes.
China Cabbage

As the name originates, this Cabbage sorts from China. It is one of the finest Cabbage, which is uknown in the Cabbage family. The form of the Cabbage is oblong to oval. The colouring of the sheets reaches from lightyellow up to an easy dark green. The China Cabbage is the only Cabbage with no stock in the center. In the center of the easily waved sheets, there are smoothly attached leafies. Since the sheets contain very much humidity, the Cabbage's taste is very crisp and juicy.

The chives plant ranks among the family of the spice plants. From a bulb, which is in the soil, green tubular stems float up to 60cm for a long time.
Chives are cultivated predominantly in areas with moderate climate and are available the whole year over.
The chives have a sharp and spicy taste.
Crab Beet (Chard)

Many people confuse this Mediterranean vegetable with spinach, whereas there is no connection between the two vegetables. Crab beet has a connection with the red beet. We eat the red beet itself (the root) and we only eat the leaves of crab beet. When, buying crab beet from the markets, be sure that it is really fresh.

The cucumber, which was in early stages consumed, by the Romans and Greeks, is consumed all over the entire globe today. It is available for the whole year. Since the cucumber plants react very sensitively to cold weather, the largest part of the harvest is cultivated in greenhouses. There are so many sorts of cucumber in different forms and sizes, that it is hardly to describe the huge number of sorts. Usually cucumbers are approximately 40 cm long and have an evenly formed smooth bowl. The bowl of the cucumber should be always evenly colored and smooth, which would mean that it is fresh.
Curly Cabbage

We can categorize this vegetable in two groups. First group is the one grown and marketed in spring, which is usually light green, thin and gentle with a soft taste. The ones grown in autumn are dark green and they have thick and rough leaves.

In the past dandelions were considered as vegetables, which were appropriate for the tastes of Latin people. Today it is frequently grown in those regions. The top of the dandelion leaves are jagged and that is why the ideal part of dandelion to eat in the new leaves or the central leaves.

The Aubergine is already for thousands of years in Eastern Asia well-known as vegetables. It concerns a night shade plant. The fruits are cucumber-similarly formed, however somewhat bulgy to their extent. For the Aubergine their blue-violet colouring is typical. Since the plant is sensitive much cold weather, it is cultivated today in areas with moderate climate.
European Cabbage

We have recently been introduced this vegetable coming from Belgium. It is grown in the Atlantic coast and North Baltic coast in Belgium. They have the size of a walnut and they are light and dark green. They are about 4cm and made of many leaves inside one another.

The fennel belongs to the family of the umble blooms. At the begining it was cultivated around the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Today it is cultivated in nearly all warm countries of the earth and is therefore available the whole year. Fennel is similar to a bulb, which is however flat and roundish. The fruit is white with fine green sheets. The edible sheets of the fennel, grow like the bulb. The taste is slightly sweet with a breath of anise.

Garlic is the most important cultivation plant of the vegetable market. Garlic comes from the family of the bulb plants. Its tubers are white and have an oval shape.
Around the tuber there is a white bowl, which holds the toes together inside. The individual toes are again surrounded with a thin layer like a bowl. The garlic has a unique taste of its own and produces a strong and intensive aroma. Garlic is cultivated in dry and sunny climates.gue
Green Lettuce

Green lettuce originally belongs to the family of the curly lettuce. It was found around south Europe and central Asia. It is probably the most frequent vegetable for salad making around Europe. Green lettuce is in markets throughout the year. Green lettuce consists of gross green leaves, which are firmly grown one inside the other. It tastes pleasantly mild.
Lamb´s Lettuce

Lamb´s Lettuce actually grows in the wildness. Nearly on the entire European mainland one can find wild plants with the lamb´s lettuce. Today its is cultivated in large volumes because of high consumation. The salad has its high season during the winter months, however it is also offered in the spring. The plants grow like a rose in different sizes and forms. The colour of its lamellas are from bright to dark green

The leeks, which are available in markets all the year, are from the onion family. They grow about 35-40 cm long. Its leaves are also one inside the other and they are wide. It has an interesting color. The part of the leek, which is inside the soil, is white and the part beneath the soil is green and dark green. It has an acrid and bitter taste and it is very good for our skin and hair.

Okra is probably the oldest vegetable on earth and it comes from Abyssinia. Okras resemble the green hot pepper with their forms. However they have a soft and spicy taste. It is possible to find okras of different sizes (14 to 15cm) in the markets.

The bulb originates from the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Today it is cultivated all around the world and is one of the most frequently consumed vegetables. The onion size can be up to 10 cm. They can be either flat or oval.
The fleshy, thick sheets of onion lie on top of one another.
This vegetable is surrounded by a yellow to brownish thin peel. The onion has a strong, spicy and sharp taste.
Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushroom
The oyster mushroom comes originally from areas around Southeast Asia. Oyster mushroom can be found nearly in all forests of the earth today. Large shellform hats are typical for the oyster mushrooms . The mushrooms grow floor-moderately, over upward thickened handles. The ones with white or brown meat have a strong mushroom taste.

Parsley has its main season in the months June until November. However parsley is offered the whole year, which is cultivated in greenhouses. We can differentiate the parsley sorts as; frizzy parsley, smooth parsley and the parsley root. The first two mentioned, concern the leaves of the plant, and the smooth parsley is the one that is more stronger in the taste. The parsley root is a fleshy, tasty and spicy root, which is very popular for the preparation of soups.

Peas are one of the oldest vegetable on earth. Peas were firstly discovered in Central Asia. The pea is actually the seed of a plant. On every plant; cases grow and to get the peas you have to open these cases.There are three sorts of peas offered: scarf peas, Mark peas and sugar peas. The sugar pea has the advantage that it can be eaten with its case. Since there is high demand for the peas and not enough harvest; peas are offered mostly as canned goods and frozen food.

Homeland of the peppers is America and the tropical regions. We can divide the peppers as those grown as vegetables and those grown for spice making. There are so many types of pepper, which is even hard to count. Inside of the pepper looks like a couple of rooms. They have the form of a ball and size of a fist with many different colors. They can be seen in yellow, green, orange, red and white. The peppers grown for spice making are small, thin, and long and sharp pointed.

The potato is probably the most important basic food of our society. It originates from South America. Today it is cultivated in many different sorts and offered the whole year.In germany early potato harvest is at the beginning of the year, then at the end of of June early sorts come out in the markets, which are followed by semi-mature sorts in August and then starting from October till the end of the year the mature sorts are marketed. Potatoes can be classified according to their cooking characteristics, there are hard and soft potatoes. The potato grows in different sizes. Its form goes from round to kidney-shape. The fruitpulp of the potato is usually white or yellow.

Pumpkin was firstly grown in South America but it is a kind of vegetable that can be grown everywhere in the world. It is not possible to define the size of the pumpkins growing on its branches because this vegetable can be either small (like a ball) or big (with a radius of 50cm). Pumpkin has a thick and rough peel with yellow and orange color. Inside it has an orange color. Don’t be surprised if you see a too big pumpkin weighing more than 75 kg.

Radish was firstly grown in Central Asia and was discovered very lately. Radishes can be offered in two different forms. Ball-round radishes and rapeformed kinds. The colour of the radishes are usually red, however there are also; white, rose, violet and two-colored sorts. They all have white fruitpulp.
Red Beet

It has a very dark red color and weighs about 600gr. Red beet grows underneath the soil. They are grown with different methods and marketed as a canned vegetable.
Red (Black) Cabbage

It is possible to use black cabbage with its sour taste in salads. However some people also prefer to cook this vegetable. It tastes completely different from white cabbage and has smaller and rougher leaves. Its color is in between light purple and violet. It is possible to find this Mediterranean vegetable in the markets throughout the year because they are grown almost everywhere in the world.

Spinach is available in the markets throughout the year and it is one of the mostly consumed vegetables. Spinach grows in warm climates, they are dark green and they grow about 30 cm. It is possible to categorize the spinach with leaves growing like rose leaves, in two groups. The first type is the one with the thin leaves that is grown in summer and the other type is the one with thick and hard leaves grown in winter.

Squashes resemble cucumbers with their shapes and sizes. The only difference is that the squashes are not totally round but they are hexagonal. It is possible to find this vegetable in the markets in the following colors: yellow, white, light and dark green. When buying squashes, it is important to choose the smallest ones because they are more fresh, soft and tasty.

Tomatoes’ homeland is known as central and South America but today tomatoes are grown all over the world. Tomatoes are the most important vegetable on earth and they are from the eggplant family. Today there are many types of tomatoes. Tomatoes get mature after they are picked up from the trees; it is possible to differentiate this vegetable according to its shape and size. The most frequent tomato is the round one. These are about 40 to 82cm size tomatoes, they have a unique taste of their own and those bigger than these are categorized as big tomatoes. This tomato can weigh 250g and it has a sweet taste. Another type of tomato, which is popular in markets, is cocktail tomato. It is as big as a cherry and it is the sweetest tomato type.
In addition to these, it is also possible to find the oval, less seeded and quite hard tomatoes, which are ideal for cooking. Some are picked from the trees when they are raw and used for pickle making. It is recommended to consume tomatoes when they are fresh because tomatoes are very rich in vitamins and minerals.
White Cabbage

Cabbages found in the Mediterranean are usually round and very light green. It grows with its; hard, rough, shiny and flat leaves getting into each other on a stem. White cabbage is the most frequently consumed type f all cabbages with its spicy taste. Cabbages can be stored for a long time and they contain vitamin C. It is also rich in calcium and iron.